Membership to the Michigan Allergy & Asthma Society
The society is a professional medical association dedicated to bringing the latest allergy, asthma and immunologic disease information to its members.
MAAS members are allergists and immunologists. Private practice physicians, managed care physicians, professors/faculty from local medical schools, and physicians involved in research and clinical studies belong to the society. Nurses and pharmacists who practice in allergy and immunology are welcome to attend meetings. The MAAS is proud of its diverse membership.
Annual Dues
$100 - Active Members or $50 - Affiliate Members. This allows you to attend at no charge all MAAS sponsored educational meetings.
Benefits of Membership
- A chance to be involved in a prestigious specialty association concerned with the unique needs of the allergist-immunologist.
- Our high-quality annual Symposium features several nationally renowned and internationally renowned allergists and scientists.
- Meetings features speakers who address the latest studies and clinical research efforts in the field of asthma, allergy and clinical immunology.
- Opportunities to earn free continuing medical education credits.
- Important networking opportunities and camaraderie among members.
- Etc.